
Monday, April 9, 2018

Impact of ICT on Education

Seven contributions new technologies can make to teaching and learning:

1- New technologies stimulate the development of intellectual skills.

2- New technologies contribute to the ways of learning knowledge, skills, and attitudes, but still dependent on pre-requisite knowledge and type of learning activity.

3- New technologies spur spontaneous interest more than traditional approaches to learning.

4- Students using new technologies concentrate more than those in traditional settings. 

5- Better use of learning resources- a presentation once made through the use of technologies can be shown to students over and over again. 

6- Motivating to learn-ICTs combine text, sound, and colorful, moving images that increase learners' motivation and their interest to learn.

7- Facilitating the acquisition of basic concepts that are the foundation for higher order concepts and creativity can be facilitated through drill and practice as repetition and reinforcement of content and skills are being focused.


  1. I think schools and teachers need to introduce programs to teach students digital literacy skills from the early grades. As you are discussing it really improves the overall performance of the students!

  2. There is no doubt that our schools need to introduce such programs to teach students technology from early stages to improve the performance and break the classic and tradition teaching strategies.
