
Educational Videos

We always have misunderstandings with our parents on several topics and issues. the following video is one of the videos I used in my class "grade 9" while explaining the theme of "Generation Gap" and "Family Ties".


We need to understand the real meaning of bullying and nowadays the high spreading type "Cyberbullying" in schools and universities in order to help our students and the young generation stand for and defend themselves. 


Education isn't only about curriculum and exams; it is about teaching our students about ethics, tolerance, and accepting each other's cultures and backgrounds,... No Hate Speech! Remeber Words Hurt More Than Swords!

What Are Human Rights? Everyone must know about "Human Rights", young as well as old. 
The 30 Articles of Human Rights in two minutes. 


Empathy is another topic our students must be aware of. 

And Self-Confidence:


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